Facial Surgery

Dimple Creation surgery

Enhance your beauty and add a touch of uniqueness to your facial features. Dimples on cheeks act as addon in beauty and considered as ‘cute’ by many. The Dimple Creation procedure creates a subtle yet striking dimple on your chin, which can instantly transform your appearance and make you look more attractive.

The dimple not only adds depth and dimension to your face, but also gives you a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence or simply want to stand out from the crowd, dimple creation surgery can help you achieve the look you've always desired. With its subtle yet striking effect, this procedure is perfect for those who want to make a statement without going overboard.

Dr. Sushil Nahar specializes in the dimple creation procedure, which subtly yet strikingly enhances your look by creating a natural dimple on your chin or cheeks. This simple addition can transform your face, giving you a more youthful, vibrant, and unique appearance. Perfect for those who want to make a statement without going overboard, this procedure offers a subtle yet impactful way to enhance your facial aesthetics.
Facial Surgery

What Dimple Creation Surgery is for ?

our expert answers

frequently asked questions

Do I need to get admitted?
Yes, as a day care basis.
How is the position of dimple decided?
You can decide where the dimples will be, or you can have our surgeon decide with you about where the most optimal place for the dimples should be on your face.
Does it pains after surgery?
Once the anesthesia effect wears off one may feel slight discomfort. Patients will be prescribed pain medications.
How much rest is required following surgery?
Following surgery there may be mild discomfort and swelling, so you are advisable to do your daily activity and avoid too much lying down.
Is there any follow up required following surgery ?
The sutures inside the mouth are absorbable so no need for suture removal. We expect first visit in week time and later in 3 month time. In case of any problems we will be happy to help you.
When does the final result evident?
Dimple created is permanent. Initially due to the swelling results may not be evident. Once the swelling settles it will be obvious only when you smile. This final result may take around 2-3 months’ time.
Is it reversible?
Yes, but reversal would need another surgical procedure in the form of recreation of the space between the skin and the muscle and injecting fat in that place.



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