Hand Surgery (Birth Deformities)

Amniotic Band Syndrome

Constriction Ring Syndrome, also known as Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS), is a congenital condition that occurs when fibrous bands from the amniotic sac entangle parts of a developing fetus, typically the limbs or digits. These bands can restrict blood flow and impede normal development, leading to a range of deformities that vary in severity. The condition can result in anything from mild indentations on the skin to more severe complications, such as deep constrictions, amputations of fingers, toes, or limbs, and in some cases, craniofacial abnormalities.

It’s also known as amniotic band syndrome. More commonly the bands wrap around limb, fingers or toes, creating severe constrictions. It need early attention by ring / band excision and z plasty to restore venous and lymphatic drainage and limb growth.

Dr. Sushil Nahar, a specialist in congenital anomalies, can provide expert care for children with Constriction Ring Syndrome, offering tailored treatment plans that focus on improving both the functionality and appearance of the affected areas, ensuring the best possible quality of life for the patient.
Hand Surgeries (Birth Deformities)

How dangerous it is?

Usually it results nothing more than an unsightly, circular indentation around your child’s finger or limb. But deeper bands can cause some serious problems:
our expert answers

frequently asked questions

How is constriction ring syndrome diagnosed?
Constriction ring syndrome can be diagnosed before birth by prenatal ultrasound. However, the most cases are diagnosed at birth.
What are the common symptoms or signs of ABS?
Symptoms vary widely but can include indentations on the skin, deep constrictions around limbs or digits, amputations of fingers or toes, and, in severe cases, craniofacial abnormalities.
What are the treatment options?
If your child has deep constriction rings surgery required in form of ring excision and/or multiple Z- plasties. One or more surgeries may be required to improve the appearance and function of the affected hand. Ideally Surgery should be performed when child is 6 months to 1 year old, though deep constriction rings that restrict blood flow must be treated immediately.
What is long-term outlook of surgery?
Despite the differences in appearance, affected hands and fingers generally have satisfactory long-term function.
Is Constriction Ring Syndrome hereditary?
No, ABS is not typically hereditary. It usually occurs as a sporadic event and is not passed down from parents to children.
How can early intervention help in ABS?
Early diagnosis and timely surgical intervention can significantly improve outcomes, helping to preserve limb function, correct deformities, and enhance the overall quality of life for the affected child.

